*Rôti de dinde aux pruneaux et pommes
- Celkový čas 1 h 10 min
- 25 min
Príprava - 45 min
Varenie - 0 min
4 os.
500 g *Turkey escalopes
6 plát. *Cured ham or prosciutto
6 *Pitted prunes
2 čl *Mustard
750 g *Peeled potatoes cut into 6 pieces
4 vet. *Fresh thyme
2 *Sprig(s) of rosemary
*Salt, pepper
Krok 1 /6
*Prepare the ingredients.
Krok 2 /6
*Make a rectangle with the ham. Cover with the turkey escalopes. Spread with mustard. Line up the prunes, roll it up and tie it.
Krok 3 /6
*Put the roast in the steam basket along with the apples and herbs and season with pepper.
Krok 4 /6
*Pour 250 ml of water into the bowl. Put the basket in place.
Krok 5 /6
*Cook on steam boost.
Krok 6 /6
*Slice the roast and serve hot.